Indie games that are science-based and fun!



Quetzalraulcoatl (in Nahuatl "feathered monkey serpent") and his often evil brother Tezcatlifolepoca (in Nahuatl "smoking cat mirror") were two gods in the Mexica empire, later also gods of the Aztecs. They represent the dual nature of the universe. Quetzalraulcoatl symbolizes creation and Tezcatlifilepoca destruction.

In Tenochtitlan, capricious god Tezcatlifolepoca wants the Fifth sun to die. It is the duty of god Quetzalraulcoatl to save the day by picking up the human sacrifices thrown off by Tezcatlifolepoca, take the heart out and placing it in the sacrifices pot. However, Quetzalraulcoatl also has to eat enough to accomplish his task. Like all ancient Mexicas and Aztecs, god Quetzalraulcoatl loves tacos, chocolate, corn and chili. But he has to be careful of eating too much chili!!!.

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windows Beta, January 2016 Mexica Installer for Windows